
Laudato Si: An Invitation to Solidarity

504BY CHRIS KERRJune 18, 2015

Pope Francis’s encyclical entitled Laudato Si: Care for Our Common Home brings forth climate change as a moral issue that requires our collective response to avoid further suffering, especially for those already marginalized by its effects.  It is truly an invitation to be in solidarity with the Earth, but more important with those marginalized by the effects of climate change and harm to the environment.  While there is much to unpack, I wanted to offer three quick ideas that stuck with me.

We Are in This Together

The emphasis on the subtheme of “Care for Our Common Home” is articulated in so many ways. Francis uses phrases like “family together,” “shared inheritance,” “relationship of mutuality,” and “global problem with intertwined reality” to relate this idea and also makes special note that the Laudato Si is a call to all people, not just Catholics.  He also invites people into action in numerous ways, calling for a “new dialogue that includes everyone,” a “summons to solidarity,” “one world with a common plan,” and a call to “community conversion.”

A Call to the Youth

Francis makes some intentional calls to young people throughout the document.  First, early in the document he notes that it is intended not just as an invitation to Catholics but to all people across the globe. This will resonate with millennials, whom studies have shown are becoming less and less likely to affiliate with an established religion, even if they themselves identify as Catholic.

He emphasizes a respect for ”diversity of culture,” a concept that young people see as the standard operating procedure in the world today.   He also offers some challenging messages to this generation: questioning the overwhelming role of technology in life and the impacts it has on relationship building, and critiquing the overarching individualism that exists in society today, often associated with younger demographics.

In addition, Francis notes the impact of our choices in caring for creation will have on future generations. In other words, our actions today will influence the reality of young people tomorrow.  (See also: Kerry Weber’s article in America Magazine entitled Why Lautado Si is the perfect encyclical for Millenials)

Making It Practical

Pope Francis offers a myriad of practical examples, some more direct than others, of ways that individuals as well as institutions and even business can respond to what he describes as an “urgent need for us to move forward in a bold cultural revolution.” These ideas range from recycling and praising God through mealtime prayers to the enforcement of environmental legislation and significant incorporation of diverse voices (including the marginalized) in business leaders’ decisions.  The average person can easily pick out at least one way they can put this document into action right now. (See also: Catholic News Service article entitled What to do?: The Pope’s Practical Tips for Helping the Environment)

You can find resources on how to begin responding to Pope Francis’s encyclical here.

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  1. […] Tomás Insua, the global coordinator of the Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM), which is a partner of the Pope Video release, added: “The Pope Video is a compelling follow up of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si, reinforcing his powerful call to action to care our common home. And it is a very timely message, given that governments and society as a whole need to put into practice the recent Paris Climate Agreement by taking bold action to tackle the climate crisis.” Ignatian Solidarity Network is a GCCM partner and worked to promote the GCCM message to Pope Francis this past spring when Pope Francis released Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home. […]

  2. […] Laudato Si: An Invitation to Solidarity […]

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