Entries by Jacqueline Shrader

JV Reflects: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

More than once while passing through the plaza, I have witnessed a tourist, often white, stand in front of the old woman to take photos of her. They cannot communicate with her, but they feel a freedom to shamelessly walk four feet in front of her and snap photos without permission. My stomach feels unsettled and my heart hurts seeing her as the model for how folks will remember Andahuaylillas, without her consent. They think they have caught her story by boxing her into what will be a 3×5 photo.

Jesuit Volunteer Reflects: R-Cubed: The Wisdom of Pete Seeger and Ecclesiastes

To continue the camino in which I have embarked, I needed a break—a break to appreciate what the past fourteen months have provided: learning, being accompanied by the people of Andahuaylillas, opportunities to say yes to the next steps, and moments to check-in with myself in this confusing current state of transition and anticipation for what comes next. For every season, there is a time to work diligently, and a time to listen to the wise words of Pete Seeger and relax.

Jesuit Volunteer Reflects: Advent – Called to Something Simple

Last Christmas brought perspective, providing me with a crash course to my JV experience. It asked me to be present to it all—the awkwardness of something new, the season, the budding relationships. As I enter Advent with a year of JVC under my belt, I understand that Christmas and Advent calls me into something simple: time spent with those I love, those I call my community. It invites me into what simplicity has meant for me this year, an attentive presence.