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Finding Faith Again in Immokalee

In 2014, I went to Immokalee, Florida with a group of students from John Carroll University. Like many who attend immersion trips, I was excited to expand my worldview, learn from those we encountered and affirm my passion for social justice. Unlike many, however, my connection to my Catholic faith entering the trip was minimal at best.

Be A Voice “With” the Coalition of Immokalee Workers

As we approach this Thanksgiving holiday, the CIW has invited people across the U.S. to advocate to Publix, a regional grocery chain, to join the farm workers "Fair Food Program." Included in their call is a reflection on "Two Thanksgivings," contrasting the realities of a typical U.S. family with those of a farm worker family in Immokalee - you can see the video below. Can you be a voice "with" the Coalition this Thanksgiving?